We Aim To Make Your Tooth Extraction
As Comfortable As Possible

Why Do I Need A Tooth Extracted?

Tooth extractions or dental extractions are performed for many different reasons. This procedure is basically the removal of teeth from the dental socket in the jaw bone.  The most common extractions may be necessary for teeth that are unable to be restored due to tooth decay, periodontal disease, dental trauma, or impacted teeth.  Sometimes tooth removal is necessary for orthodontic reasons such as crowded teeth or for orthodontic procedure preparation to create more space to straighten teeth.

Modern tooth extraction is a safe and relatively straight forward procedure.  Usually done while the patient is awake under local anesthesia to block any associated pain.  Most teeth are easy to remove, however this is dependent on the integrity of the tooth, the shape of the roots and its position in the mouth.

What To Expect During A Tooth Extraction

Here at Orta Oral Surgery, we want to educate you on what to expect during a tooth extraction. Tooth extractions are categorized as Simple extractions and Surgical extractions.

Simple extractions

These are performed on teeth that are visible in your mouth.  Typically, this is done with local anesthesia by numbing your tooth, gum and jaw bone. The procedure is to grasp the visible part of the tooth, then move it around until the ligament is broken and ensure there is enough widened space around the bone so that the tooth can be removed. Then the tooth is lifted out of the socket using slow steady force. You may feel pressure during this but no pain.

Surgical extractions

These extractions are more involved by requiring the removal of teeth that cannot be easily accessed.  This could be for a number of different reasons but mainly due to teeth that have not erupted to the surface and are under the gum line or embedded in the jaw bone. This procedure is usually done under general anesthesia.  An incision is required for this kind of extraction. It is possible that the tooth will be sectioned to aid in its removal.  During the sectioning, the tooth is split into multiple pieces and then removed one at a time.

If for any reason you should feel any pain during the procedures, please let the surgeon know immediately.  It is our desire to make your surgery as pleasant as possible. Be sure to read and follow our Pre-Operative Instructions and  Post-Operative Instructions to ensure you heal properly.

Find Out More About Tooth Extractions

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Orta to discuss your tooth extraction needs. Tooth removal requires expertise and training in the planning, the surgery and the final success of your procedure – Dr. Orta has that experience.  He will explain the benefits of tooth removal, the process of extraction and questions about healing during your consultation. Dr. Orta is here to make your tooth removal decisions as informative and easy as possible.  He and his staff pride themselves in helping their patients achieve the oral health of they deserve.

Why Do I Need a Tooth Extracted?

Tooth extractions or dental extractions are performed for many different reasons. This procedure is basically the removal of teeth from the dental socket in the jaw bone.  The most common extractions may be necessary for teeth that are unable to be restored due to tooth decay, periodontal disease, dental trauma, or impacted teeth.  Sometimes tooth removal is necessary for orthodontic reasons such as crowded teeth or for orthodontic procedure preparation to create more space to straighten teeth.

Modern tooth extraction is a safe and relatively straight forward procedure.  Usually done while the patient is awake under local anesthesia to block any associated pain.  Most teeth are easy to remove, however this is dependent on the integrity of the tooth, the shape of the roots and its position in the mouth.

What To Expect During A Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are categorized as Simple extractions and Surgical extractions.

Simple extractions

These are performed on teeth that are visible in your mouth.  Typically, this is done with local anesthesia by numbing your tooth, gum and jaw bone. The procedure is to grasp the visible portion of the tooth, rock it back and forth, until the ligament is broken and then space around the bone has been widened so that the tooth can be removed. Then the tooth is lifted out of the socket using slow steady force. You may feel pressure during this but no pain.

Surgical extractions

These extractions are more involved by requiring the removal of teeth that cannot be easily accessed.  This could be for a number of different reasons but mainly due to teeth that have not erupted to the surface and are under the gum line or embedded in the jaw bone. This procedure is usually done under general anesthesia.  An incision is required for this kind of extraction. It is possible that the tooth will be sectioned to aid in its removal.  During the sectioning, the tooth is split into multiple pieces and then removed one at a time.

If for any reason you should feel any pain during the procedures, please let the surgeon know immediately.  It is our desire to make your surgery as pleasant as possible. Be sure to read and follow our Pre-Operative Instructions and  Post-Operative Instructions to ensure you heal properly.

Find Out More About Tooth Extractions

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Orta to discuss your tooth extraction needs. Tooth removal requires expertise and training in the planning, the surgery and the final success of your procedure – Dr. Orta has that experience.  He will explain the benefits of tooth removal, the process of extraction and questions about healing during your consultation. Dr. Orta is here to make your tooth removal decisions as informative and easy as possible.  He and his staff pride themselves in helping their patients achieve the oral health of they deserve.